How to Write an Invitation Letter for an Event (with 10 Examples)

So, you’ve been tasked with writing an invitation letter for an event. Congratulations! Or, condolences? Just kidding—invitation letters can be fun to craft if you know what you’re doing. But perhaps you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Maybe you’re worried about how formal you should be. Should you channel your inner Shakespeare? Or is it OK […]

How to Send a Follow-Up Email After a Networking Event (with 10 Examples)

How to Send a Follow-Up Email After a Networking Event illustrated with A man looking stressed out with his hair all over from him pulling at it holding a handful of wallet-sized business cards as well as business cards on his desk scattered and looking down at his laptop computer that has his email provider open

So, you’ve just returned from a networking event, clutching a stack of business cards with scribbles like “SEO whiz,” “good coffee recs,” and “wants job ASAP!” scrawled on them. Your cheeks still ache from smiling, your social battery might be running on fumes, and you might be wondering, “What in the world do I do […]

How to Send an Introductory Email to a Recruiter

how to send an introductory email to a recruiter illustrated with a college student looking up a recruiter on his laptop writing.

If you’ve ever fumbled over the question, “How do I reach out to a recruiter without sounding desperate or, worse, like a spam bot?” trust me, you’re not alone. Many job seekers find themselves paralyzed by the thought of sending an introductory email. But guess what? Not sending that email could be costing you big […]

What Would a CTA Be in a Lead Nurture Email?

Looking over the shoulder of a female marketer writing on her laptop computer and the screen of the laptop computer is a marketing email creator that is making an email that has a big button that says CTA - in the background is a modern open seating office with coworkers

Lead nurturing. You’ve probably heard this buzzword at least a thousand times, whether you’re browsing marketing blogs or eavesdropping at your local coffee shop as a couple of people in matching company polos debate open rates (or maybe that’s just me?). But here’s the thing: lead nurturing is more than just jargon. It’s an essential […]

How to See Who Has Visited Your Website and Use That Data for Effective Outreach

Sherlock holmes inspecting web traffic

Have you ever gazed longingly at your website analytics and thought, “If only I knew who these visitors were, I could finally win at marketing and have time left to tackle my Netflix backlog”? You’re not alone. Identifying who visits your website can feel like trying to find Waldo without his signature red-and-white stripes. But […]

Best Email Marketing Tools for Nonprofits

8 Best Email Marketing tools for nonprofits featured image of a woman in a school setting on a laptop

Nonprofits often face the daunting task of spreading their message, driving engagement, and maximizing donor contributions—all while juggling tight budgets and limited resources. Enter email marketing: the unsung hero of nonprofit outreach. Done right, it’s cost-effective, scalable, and powerful. But where do you begin? The key lies in choosing the right email marketing tool. This […]

How to Write a Great Professional Email Subject Line (With 30 Examples!)

Sales Automation outreach of a woman typing on her laptop in her home office

Alright, let’s get real here: the email subject line is the unsung hero of your entire email. You could have crafted the most compelling, earth-shattering content known to humankind in that email, but if the subject line falls flat, well, nobody’s reading it—except maybe your mom, and that’s only if she remembers to check her […]

How to Boost Non-Profit Community Outreach Ideas

non profit community outreach ideas

Alright, non-profit superheroes, gather ’round. You’ve got a mission: boosting community engagement. And no, I’m not talking about one of those missions where you just send an email that reads, “Hey, can you come to our event?” I’m talking about grabbing your community by the heartstrings and giving them a joyful, meaningful reason to care […]

How to Write an Effective Email Asking for a Review from a Customer

A blond male in an apron and a white shirt in a kitchen on the computer where there is a five star review

If you’re like me, you probably dread asking people for things—especially favors. The idea of shooting off an email asking for a review from a customer feels about as pleasant as trying to explain Wi-Fi issues to your parents over the phone. But here’s the kicker: reviews can make or break a business. And I […]