Claim Your Free Trial

Be yourself at Skail.

Create your digital clone for free and get full access to personal and professional profiles, unlimited tones, and the ability to write unique, authentic emails. The trial is valid for 14 days or 50 emails. Just create a profile using the link below.

Make Business Personal

AI assisted writing free of cost with so many extras. Get full access to personal and professional profiles, unlimited tones, and the ability to write unique, authentic emails. The trial is valid for 14 days or 50 emails. Just create a profile using the link below.

  • Unlimited Tones: Provide Skail with writing samples for it to analyze and use. Have unlimited tones at your fingertips to use in your communications.
  • Authentic Emails: Use your tones, personality, and experiences to craft 100% unique and authentic emails to your contacts.
  • Integrations: Integrate with your CRM of choice to connect to lists and pull in unique fields for customization.
  • Profile Creation: Create both your personal and professional profiles for your digital clone to utilize.
Small business using AI for markeitng - Skail custom and personalized emails.