How Skail Builds Digital Clones

Skail uses a proprietary model that functions differently from other communication platforms on the market. The key difference is that Skail actively learns about you and your business, understanding how that data interacts within a global context through immediate context embedding. This enables Skail to utilize more information accurately and appropriately compared to other AI communication platforms – to drive the creation of a more superior digital clone.

Limitations of Traditional Communication Platforms

Other communication platforms typically use a prompt-based approach, feeding your information to the LLM (Large Language Model) only at the moment of generating an output. The LLM then applies that information to the tokens to generate a response. While this method can adjust the output in terms of tone and phrasing, it is limited by the context window. This means not all your personal data may be used, and the model does not fully comprehend the facts it is provided with.

Digital Clones abilities based on Context Embedding and a Context Window

To better understand how Skail’s model stands out, it’s essential to grasp the differences between context embedding and the context window in LLMs:

Context Window

  • Definition: The context window refers to the fixed number of tokens (words or characters) that the model can consider at one time when processing or generating text.
  • Function:
    • Limits the amount of text the model can “see” or use to make predictions at any given moment.
    • If the input text exceeds the size of the context window, the excess text is truncated, and only the most recent tokens within the window are used.
    • The context window size directly impacts the model’s ability to maintain coherence over longer passages of text. For example, a context window of 2048 tokens means the model can consider up to 2048 tokens at once when generating a response.
  • Limitation:
    •   The fixed size can lead to the loss of important information if the input text is too long.
    • Does not inherently capture long-term dependencies beyond the window size.

This approach is a lot like a student cramming for a test the night before. While they might be able to use the material and answer specific questions in the moment, they haven’t stored the information in their long-term memory. As a result, most of the data they were tested on is likely forgotten soon after.

Embedded Context

  • Definition: Embedded context refers to the way an LLM encodes and represents the meaning of the text within the context window as dense vectors in a high-dimensional space.
  • Function:
    • Converts each token in the input text into an embedding, a dense vector that captures its meaning in relation to surrounding tokens.
    • Involves capturing semantic relationships and dependencies within the text, leveraging mechanisms like self-attention.
    • Dynamically adjusts embeddings based on the entire context provided within the window, allowing the model to understand and generate coherent and contextually relevant responses.
  • Advantage:
    • Enables the model to understand nuanced meanings, relationships, and dependencies between tokens, even within the fixed size of the context window.
    • Utilizes attention mechanisms to focus on relevant parts of the context, effectively managing longer-range dependencies within the window.

This approach embeds the data into the model’s context similarly to how a person’s long-term memory is formed for essential information like their social security number, address, or parents’ names. Typically, these pieces of information become ingrained through repetitive use and application. Skail works in the same way but achieves this long-term memory effect within seconds, much like the instant learning seen in the Matrix.


Context Window: Defines the fixed number of tokens the model can consider at once, limiting the scope of text the model can directly use for predictions or generation.

Embedded Context: Refers to the internal representation of the text within the context window as dense vectors, capturing semantic relationships and dependencies to produce meaningful and coherent outputs.


To create a truly effective digital clone, a model must comprehend and embed your data. Simply inserting information through a prompt or within the context window does not provide a long-term solution for a model to continually act or become more human-like. Only Skail allows individuals to upload their personal and business information to create a model that acts exactly like them, using their unique phrases, mannerisms, and personality.

Skail’s approach ensures that every customer interaction is informed by a deep understanding of the user, leading to more accurate, personalized, and effective communication. By leveraging advanced context embedding, Skail sets a new standard in AI-driven communication, making it the ideal choice for those seeking to maintain a human touch in their digital interactions.