Frequently asked questions.

How do we choose which contacts receive messages?

Contacts that receive messaging are based on the triggers that you create per campaign. This means you can create messaging for your whole database or just a couple of contacts.

During onboarding, these triggers will be discussed to create your instances and align them with your goals and spend.

Can we review messages before they are sent?

Yes. Customers can create the process they are comfortable with. A personalized message can be created in draft mode for your team to review and edit before sending. Once comfortable, companies can fully automate the process of sending messages automatically without a review process.

How are the messages crafted?

Messages are crafted using custom prompts and properties. These can be very simple out-of-the-box information like a propsect’s name and company or uniue data fields like Technology used, industry, etc.

Skail’s personal LLM model also allows companies to reach outside of their data and grab information from online sources or external databases.

Can a company use Skail for tasks outside of prospecting?

Yes. While our main use is for cold prospecting customers are able to use our software for customer success, support and a wide array of communications that can be answered through knowing a data source.

Is my data stored?

Data needed to craft the messaging is not stored by Skail for the majority of our clients. This means all contact information and CRM data is used once and not retained.
Companies that are utilizing LLM through Skail, does have data store as it is needed to teach the system about what works best to generate engagement. This information can be hosted privately that only the client has access to, or stored on Skail’s server.